understandably Qna 관련 답변 20 페이지


[해석]고수님들 도와주세요..

Teretofore our response to attacks, and understandably so, has been to carry out some retaliatory act that was supposed to even the scales while huntng down the actual people who did it....


영어정말간단한문장 해석좀요 ㅠㅠ

With such experience behind him, as he jocularly confesses, Henry is understandably "unwilling to risk [his] happiness in a hurry". 부탁드려요 고수님들...


영어문제 해석과 풀이점 해주세여

... A) Understand B) Understanding C) Understandably D) Understandable 3) Unfortunate, Mr.Lee's job performance didn't live up to his supervisor's expectations. 메일로 보내드려여..^^


고 2 영어 독해, 문법 3문제..

... The person who has felt the sting of racial or sexual discrimination can understandably develop a hearty appetite for fair and just teratment, even at great...


요거 번역좀 해주세요...

... The Preacher's black eyes bored into and through Sliver Pete and understandably Sliver responded with panic, this time aiming at the Preacher's head. It was his last bullet. 그가...


6.25에 대한 모든 것(내공30)

... This policy was understandably very unpopular among Koreans who had suffered horribly under Japanese colonial rule for 35 years, and would prove to have...


(내공 100)이 문제좀 풀어주세요.해설도...

... a)understandably b) understand c) understanding d) understandable 4. Allen, a senator from New jersey, will --- a conference on August 4 to reaffirm the...


이 영어 번역좀 해주세요. 100임

... All that said, recent developments have understandably led to a substantial increase in the public's interest in the Fed's balance sheet and programs. For this reason, we at...


영어해석좀 부탁드려요ㅠㅠ

... Quite understandably, none of the movie studios wanted to produce such a strange film. The young director finally found a studio to back him after a long and...


영어일기 내공 35 빨점

... Her name is "Kwon Jung Ah". She sometimes gives us lots of homework and strict to us, but she is usually very kind and teaches very understandably. So I like my teacher.


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