deficit Qna 관련 답변 20 페이지

판독 해석 부탁드려도 될까요ㅠ

[주요 검사결과] N/Ex no focal neurologic deficit MRI/A: TCD (8/22) R/O both MCA stenosis(mild) [경과 및 치료요약] MwoA with MOH > Tepra 40mg, Topamax 25mg BID [주요...


판독소견 영어 번역좀 부탁드립니다.

... Other bony alignment is not unusual without deficit. Musculotendinuous shadows are... Other bony alignment is not unusual without deficit. 다른 뼈의 정렬은...


영어문장 해석

... the deficit. 여기 for many programs에서 왜for으로 쓰인건지 of는... 1.The parliament reduced funding for many programs in a deliberate effort to cut the deficit....

태그: 영어질문, 영어문장해석, 영단어

해석 부탁드려요 .. 영어 해석 내공 100

A reduction in the budget deficit shold shift the supply... An increase in the budget deficit that causes the... A reduction in the budget deficit should shift the...


영어 해석좀 부탁드려요~

... Mr Romney began by saying that he wanted to bring down the deficit; now he... Mr Romney began by saying that he wanted to bring down the deficit; now he stresses lower...


거시경제학에서, 개방경제일 경우...

... account deficit(a broad measure of trade deficit) and the relatively low level of long-term real interest... account deficit(a broad measure of trade deficit) and the relatively low level of long-term real interest rates...


간단한 영어 번역 질문 [내공30]

... trade deficit that the US is running with china... 대충... trade deficit를 꾸며지는 구절인것 같은데 be... trade deficit that the US is running with china... 중국은...


by which 질문

네이버 영영사전에 deficit 치면 A deficit is amount by which something is less than what is... 그냥 A deficit is amount which something is less than what is required or expected 쓰면...


영어->한글로 몇 줄만,,,번역좀!

... Such a deficit results in a loss of cilia, an increase of secreting cells and... Such a deficit results in a loss of cilia, an increase of secreting cells and...


영어 문장구조,문법 영어 고수님들...

... a deficit (that inspired his writing of Bolero), a piece (that emphasizes variations in tembre)... a deficit 인데요 해설지에 a deficit 뒤에 that은 관계대명사로 a deficit를...


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