turnip Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지

the enormous turnip 커다란무 해석좀요...

the mans got a seed he goes in the garden he pues the seed in the ground the seed grows the mans happy 저두 이책을 학원에서 하고 있는데요... 그럼 해석 들어...


영어해석 부탁합니다.~!!!! ㅠ.ㅜ 되도록...

... It's a turnip. the turnip's big. It's very big. The man's very happy. 'It's big... He wants to eat the turnip. The man pulls the turnip. The turnip doesn't move. The man...


영어 해석, 문제풀이좀 도와주세요

The Enormous Turnip The old man has some turnip seeds. He plants the seeds. He waters the seeds. The turnip seeds grow. One turnip grows and grows and grows! It is...


영어 해석 좀 도와주세요!

... rotten turnip.” 이 문장에서 fighting~turnip 부분을 어떻게 해석해야... rotten turnip" 밑줄 부분은 분사구문입니다. she be (is) fighting that bottle...

태그: 영어해석, 영어, 영어원서


Ed and Ellie planted a turnip seed lt grew into an enormous turnip. They pulled and... and pulled And UP came the enormous turnip...... 그리고한가지더........


영어속담 직역과 해석을 부탁드려요

... a turnip---벼룩의 간을 빼먹는다. Shrouds have no pockets---빈손으로 왔다가... Can't get blood from a turnip → 순무에서 피를 뽑아낼 수는 없다 / 겉이 빨간 순무에서...



... the turnip. He thougt he was dreaming. "someone must be very kind 뭘까요(give) me this turnip,"he thought. And he ate it up... 그리고 turnip의 뜻도 가르쳐 주세요 빨리...


영어 해석점요

... He wanted the other turnip. Then he thouht about his... I'll take this turnip to him." Little Dobkey was not... He wanted the other turnip. Then he thouht about his...

태그: 다시만드는지식시즌1


... THE Enormous Turnip The man's hungry He wants to eat the turnip. The man pulls the turnip. The man sees the woman. 'Come and help!' he says. 'Pull!' says the man. The...



... a turnip seed. He elaborated raised it. So it... Finally, the enormous turnip comes out. And they all have a delicous turnip dinner. And old man says, "I...


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