reminded Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지


please reminded와 please remind

please reminded와 please remind에 대해 알고 싶어요 기초... please reminded that 이라고 쓰이는 표현을 많이... Please be reminded that "(that절)~을 기억해라" = Please remember that...


I reminded myself that I was...

I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have any sort of job.... I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have any sort of job. I reminded myself that I was fortunate to have any sort of...


왜 being reminded인지 ㅠㅠ

I never see this picture without being reminded of my... I never see this picture without being reminded of my... being reminded of my school days이 간단명료하기...


reminds/ is reminded 문법문제

She (reminds/ is reminded) that she left the purse in the car. 답이랑 풀이 부탁드립니다.... be reminded로 표현합니다. 정답은 is reminded. 영어엔 내가 하는 행동인데 이처럼...


reminded a of b

reminded you of a highway packed with cars 에서 pack with cars는 어떤 역할인가요? reminded you of a highway <packed with cars>에서 pack with cars는 어떤...


constantly reminded of the goals...

1.reminded가 동사로 쓰인건가요? 과거분사로 쓰인건가요? 2. so that을 in... so that they will be constantly reminded of the goals they set for themselves 1.reminded가...


That reminded her of

That reminded her of many years ago her father waved a white handerchief. 이거... 틀렸습니다 That reminded her of many years ago when her father waved a white...


The ticketing clerk reminded the...

The ticketing clerk reminded the passengers of how ____ it is for them to arrive at the train... The ticketing clerk reminded the passengers of how important it is for them to arrive at...


be reminded 와 remind 의 차이점

be reminded 는 수동태 인데 해석이 '기억하다'라고 되서 궁금해서요 예) People... am reminded of his brother (by people). 나는 그의 형을 기억한다. (사람들에 의해서)...


It reminded me of a TV show about...

It reminded me of a TV show about lawyers that I like. 여기에서 저 that은 지시대명사... It reminded me of a TV show about lawyers that I like. 여기에서 저 that은 지시대명사...

태그: 영어, 문법, that, that용법

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