preoccupied with Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지

영어 문법 문제

... preoccupied) with the supernatural, they were also interested in technology (2. needed to navigate ) the Nile River and to design and construct massive...

태그: 영어문법

영어 문법 질문이에요!

... Kim was so preoccupied with a work deadline ___ she forgot her own son's birthday party. Q) 밑줄 친 자리 정답은 that 입니다. that 접속사 관계사 구분하는 법 좀...



~ or so preoccupied with a problem that you feel it is hard to enjoy life에서 that이 동격의 that맞나요? 그리고 feel이 타동사인데 뒤에 is라는 be동사가 존재하는게...

태그: 수능영어단어, 수능영어

문장분석 도와주세요

consider talking to a counselor if you are feeling depressed, anxious, or so preoccupied with a prob em that you feel it is hard to enjoy life 해석 안해주셔도 되고 주어...


수동태 능동태 질문이여..

... -> 수동태 대신 능동태로 I was already fully preoccupied with the dignified front appearance of the temple. -> 수동태 대신 능동태로 안녕하세요. 대한민국...

태그: 영어문법, 영어, 수동태능동태

in Greece alone in t

in Greece alone in the ancient world were people preoccupied with the visible 끊어읽기와 해석 부탁드리겠습니다 In Greece alone - 그리스에서만 in the ancient...


영어문장 해석 방법

Ashley was too preoccupied with her own life to notice her daughter's problems 문장에서 왜 눈치채지 못햇다 라고 해석되나요?.. too ~to부정사는 '너무 ~해서...


문장 해석 도와주세요

Or they take an opposite approach, nutrition experts say, and become so preoccupied with food that they barely eat anything. 위 문장 해석 부탁드립니다. 가능하시다면 Or 이...


영화 감상문

... As you know, Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German idealist philosopher) was preoccupied with triadic development, with one phase demanding...


영어 작문 수정

... mainly preoccupied with his state of Hanover. Now about what contributions did he make to the history of England.. During George's reign, the powers of...


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