politician Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지


politician 집합명사에 들어가나요...

politician도 the police형의 집합명사에 들어가나요 안들어갑니다 student 가 보통명사인것과 같습니다

태그: 영어문법, 내공50

The politician spoke

The politician spoke to the audience about the issue. 3형식이고 the audience 가 목적어 인가요? 네 그렇습니다 목적어는 the audience 가 아닙니다 채택...


The politician always avoids being...

The politician always avoids being drawn into discussion of controversial issues. 문장 성분 분석해주시고 avoids being drawn 요부분 부과설명도 조금 해주세요ㅠㅠ 안녕하세요 연세대 출신...


about an incumbent politician or an

To obtain negative answers from respondents about an incumbent politician or an existing policy, interviewers conduct polls on cloudy, rainy days, especially if they...


The politician called attention to......

The politician called attention to forest destruction. 무슨 뜻이죠?? 그 정치인은 숲의 파괴에 주의를 환기시켰다. 뭐.. 정치인이 선거운동 때 하는 말...


He is the latest politician to be...

He is the latest politician to be outed by gay activists. 에서... He 주어 is 동사 the latest politician to be... latest politician was outed.. 이게 맞는거 아닌가요 Was가...


A politician thinks of the next...

... A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. politician이나 statesman이나 정치인을... Politician은 다음 선거를 생각하지만 Statesman은 다음 세대를...


he is the greatest alive politician 왜...

왜못오나요ㅜ.ㅜ 제목고ㅏ동일 a·live〔〕 a. 1 살아 있는(opp. dead);[최상급 형용사를 가진 명사 등의 뒤에서 강조적으로] 현존하는, 이 세상에 있는 the...


A politician can mak

A politician can make legislative proposal more understandable by giving specific examples... A politician can make legislative proposal more understandable by giving specific examples...

태그: 관계대명사what, 영어문법질문, 관계대명사

정치인뜻 영어단어중 politician 하고...

정치인뜻 영어단어중 politician 하고 statesman 이있잖아요?? 이중 그냥 일반적으로쓰이는말이 politician인가요?? 정치가(Statesman) 정치꾼(Politician) - 다소...


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