in reserve Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지

영어 문장 해석요- 외국 초2수준이래요;;

... , a deck person in reserve, e,g., jury member ___ the lion put back in a former position hot dog condiment herd of scarlet cattle rowing pole symbol for aries prefix meaning center "___be...


영어 문장들 문법적으로 맞는지 확인이...

... one backs up the main power should it fail and the other is kept in reserve in case the back-up generator were ever to fail also. -backs up이 동사고 should fail도 동사로...


영어 문장 해석 부탁드려요!

... In scenario where some troops start in reserve and others on table, pathfinders always deoloy on table. pathfinders may make a normal move after deployment but before...


해석 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ

... Wouldn't that give you the ability to drive to work on electric power, with the small gas engine available in reserve for longer trips? This concept started out as an...


영문발음좀써주세요... 부탁드립니다....

... 34."Have I not kept this in reserve and sealed it in my vaults? 35.It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near...


영어 해석 질문입니다.

... available in reserve for longer trips? ② creating a new tax incentive for owners who convert their hybrids to plug-in status ; a tax break for corporations that...


영 어 해 석 부탁

... some families had managed to stash a few items in reserve, but thousands were hungry. 해석 fuel for heat was very scarce. it was a luxury just to have some ration...


In Vietnam’s souther

... As stewards of a large forest reserve in their province, authorities in Ca Mau are in high alert and have lookouts keeping an eye out for new fires. Teams...

태그: 문제풀이

해석 쫌 해주세요ㅜㅜ

... More people are turning instead to coal of which there is at least 900 billion tons in reserve. However, fossil fuels are problematic not just because of their...


내공 100걸겠습니다 . 저 bbc 뉴스에...

... But another idea that may not get traction in Paris is a plan for countries to hold, say, grain or rice stocks in reserve. An idea that may not get traction in Paris...


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