fussy Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지


해석 부탁합니다.

... a fussy old man clearing his throat. I have ti hold the cup under his nose so he... a fussy old man clearing his throat. 예를들어서, 그는 오래전에 나의...


영어 해석

... (D) 2.He is very fussy about hygiene. Every moring he wakes up and brushes (A)... 2.He is very fussy about hygiene. 그는 위생에 관해선 매우지나치다....


영어 해독

... very fussy about his wig. he kept it clean and sshiny with ssupersshine shampoo and... a) he was big b)he wore a wig big wig was very fussy about his wig. 빅 위그는...


영어해석해주세요 ㅠㅠ 급합니다!!...

... fussy c. a peculiar notion or idiosyncrasy. _4. fad d. the process of providing or... fussy c. a peculiar notion or idiosyncrasy. _3. 까다로운 c. 특별한 개념...



... not fussy eaters. Have a safe flight try to sleep as much as you can on the flight... not fussy eaters. 널 만나기만 기다리고 있어. 우린 한번도...


영어 해석 좀 해주세요

... My family and friends said that I'm a fussy girl. Hmm, about my hobbies, I like to... My family and friends said that I'm a fussy girl. 그치만 난 긴 편지를...


영어 문법 질문이요

They are not fussy about diet and can adapt to changes, as illustrated by the new forms... 자세히 문장분석좀 부탁드립니다 They are not fussy about diet and can...


해석 부탁 합니다....

... " " Me, I'm a bit fussy, I wash my car every week." " I prefer to leave my computer... 를 넣어주는게 맞을듯..), I'm a bit fussy, I wash my car every week....


영어 문제 3시까지만 답변해주세요....

... 2Q:What is the she really fussy about? 3Q:What would probably prove Lucas is allergic to... -> What 주어 is 동사 2Q:What is the she really fussy about? -> the she 주어 is 동사...

태그: 문법, 영어, 영어문법, 영어문법설명

님들께~영어해석좀 부탁드립니다.....

... you are very fussy. 진국 and me. we are very difficult situstion because of you.... you are very fussy. 왜 카오루한테 사실대로 말했어? 넌 참 흐리멍텅한...


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