for comparison Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지

영어 번역 좀 부탁드려요~ 내공 있음요

... The Appendix has a suggested list of basic facts that all students should know for comparison purpose. 번역 부탁드려요ㅠ 내공 20 걸어요~ High-school...


영어 해석 번역 부탁드립니다^^ (번역기...

... The obtained results from the present work are then analyzed for each individual test, and then introduced in various groups for comparison in order to assess the...


번역기 말고 번역좀 해주세요~

Table 2 also includes melting temperatures for comparison of the two system; the same 80 ℃ difference. 3.2. Effect of the reducing conditions on TCLP and XRD results...


(급질) 영어지문 2개 해석부탁드려요..

... Take for comparison a newspaper article. A journalist who writes an article has only one main way to assess the impact and popularity of the item: the number of people...


영어 문장 끊어읽기

Sometimes a person is acclaimed as “the greatest” because there is little basis for comparison. For example, violinist Jan Kubelik was acclaimed as “the...


워킹홀리데이 신체검사문제 내공50!

... The following additional information we require are:- Previous chest x-ray film required for comparison. (More than 6 months old) Please note that all costs involved...


영어 문장 문법

... Pronoun "as" + noun phrase "a treat for coffee": "As" is a conjunction used for comparison, introducing the comparison between what is being discussed...

태그: 영어문법, 영어해석

지문분석 부탁드립니다. (내공 100)

... In 2013, he set up fly traps covered in zebra skin and, for comparison, others covered in antelope skin. He saw that flies seemed to avoid landing on the stripes. After...

태그: 문제풀이

독해 부탁드려요 급합니다 ㅠㅠ 도와주세요

... The table presents the allocative inefficiency in the Cournot equilibrium as a percentage of the allocative inefficiency under monopoly (for comparison purposes). As...


a desire for social

a desire for social comparison provides a motive for associating with others and influences which groups we join. influence부터 영향을 끼친다 어느그룹에 우리가...


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