cousin Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지

"Ann is my cousin who I live with....

"Ann is my cousin who I live with." 여기서 who가 목적격 관계대명사라고 합니다. 위... "Ann is my cousin who I live with." 여기서 who가 목적격 관계대명사라고 합니다. 위 문장을...


My little cousin has

My little cousin has been spoiled by his parents since the day... little cousin has been spoiled by his parents since the day... My little cousin : 주어 (나의 작은 사촌) has been...


영어 단어 뜻 first cousin, cousin

First cousin이 무슨뜻인가요? 그냥 cousin이랑은 뭐가 다르죠? 같은 뜻입니다. first cousin 은 second cousin(6촌), third cousin 식을 비교할 때 사용하는...


second cousin once removed 의 뜻은...

친척을 부르는 영어단어에서 5촌조카는 first cousin once removed, 7촌조카는 first cousin once removed 라고 부르는 이유는 뭔가요? 특히 왜 once removed란 표현을...


My cousin _ me her beutiful blue dress....

My cousin _ me her beautiful blue dress. 에 빈칸에 들어갈 단어 중 알맞은 건 뭔가요 1. had 2.lent 3.wanted 4.turned 5.borrowed 이유도 알려주세요 급해요 * 2.lent...


He is a third cousin fourtimes...

... 감사합니다 He is either a third cousin four times removed, or a fourth cousin three... 감사합니다 ㅡㅡㅋ First cousin once removed : 사촌의 아들딸(종질) First...


I will meet my cousin coming from New...

I will meet my cousin coming from New York. --> coming 되는 이유? I will meet my cousin come from New York. --> come 안 되는... 문장의 형식부터 분석해볼께요~ I will meet my cousin coming...


One of my cousin is same age with me...

My favorite relative is my cousin. One of my cousin is same age with me and we are very... My favorite relative is my cousin. One of my cousins is the same age as me and she(he)...


cousin 복수

cousin을 복소로 하면 뭔가요? 영어 숙제(일기)를 쓰고 있는데 잘 모르겠네요.cousin뒤에 are을 붙혀도... cousin의 복수형은 cousins이고 be동사와 일반동사는...

태그: 영어사전

My cousin is to graduate from middle...

My cousin is to graduate from middle school next month. 여기서 to graduate는 형용사적... 질문 My cousin is to graduate from middle school next month. 여기서 to graduate는...


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