circumspect Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지


영어질문 3

... London's police were generally more circumspect in their dealings with citizens... London's police were generally more circumspect in their dealings with citizens...



... are circumspect. "I'm sorry. I can't talk about the health risks of kimchi in the... are circumspect. "I'm sorry. I can't talk about the health risks of kimchi in the...


영어 단어를 알맞게 끼워 넣어야하는건데...

... unbridled /admonish circumspect/ deadlock /efface/ breach /commandeer... - circumspect 5.the water pouring through the ? in the dam threatened to flood...


영어발음 소리나는데로 한글로 써주세요

... boisterou circumspect deplore esteem assiduous boast circumvent evanesce adulterate... (몹시) circumspect -> 설쿰스펙트 (신중한) deplore-> 디플로얼(한탄하다)...


영문법 질문

Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments and yet once (she was) arriving at a conclusion, she was intransigent in its defense. 저희 쌤이 once 뒤에 she...


작문했는데 읽어봐주세요..

... circumspect 신중한 그렇게나 오래 생각한다고? 너 보기보다 신중한... You are more circumspect than I think. 9. obtrusive 보기 싫게 눈에 띄는 나대는 난...

태그: 2019대학생튜터, 영어


... 관계 없어여 그런 의미는 없는 것으로 나옴 synonyms: wary, cautious, circumspect, heedful, careful, on one's guard, guarded, mindful, watchful...


영어 필기체 문장 뭐라고 쓰여져 있는지...

... wears a proper coat The circumspect are certain That he is dissolute — Had he the homely scutcheon* Of modest Industry 'Twere fitter certifying For Immortality —


이게 왜 정답인지 궁금합니다

... circumspect 신중한 wary 경계, 조심하는 attentive 주의를 기울이는, 신경쓰는 circumspect도 의미는 비슷하나, 주로 '매사에 신중하다' 처럼 "~를 하는 것에/~를 하는...


Such 질문이요.

... but a circumspect and regulated one where such few titles as existed would closely resemble the Guardian. 참고하시기 바랍니다.


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