Discription 뜻 Qna 관련 답변 2 페이지

Clearance required? 뭘 의미하나요?

... positng된 Job discription을 보니 항목에. Clearance Required : Y 라는 항목이 있던데요? 무엇을 의미하는한건지..알려주세요.^^ 여유가 필요하다 clearance에...


영어 알려주세요

해외 수출건이있어서 packinglist를 보내줬는데 discription안에 a가 하나 빠져있다는것을 알았다 라고 할때요 i just found that "A" in the spell was missed 라고...


영어로 번역해주세요 내공있어요(20)

... 등과 같은 고급 글쓰기도 익힌다. Moreover it's required to train writing such as discription of his impression of literature and culture as well as daily conversation routine.


빨리요~ 추가내공 더 드릴께요~ 가지고...

... i looked through whole tennis court and as you can see, i couldn't find it first, i'm going to tell you a simple discription about my cellphone phone's model is skinnyphone and color is black with...


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