occupied Qna 관련 답변 19 페이지

영어문장 번역 빨리 부탁드립니다~~~!!!!!!

Stalin also declared that he would allow the Russian-occupied countries in Eastern... Stalin also declared that he would allow the Russian-occupied countries in Eastern...


영어문장 해석[jwmail3...

... the occupied territories. 9. My solicitor is drawing... The house hasn't been occupied by anyone for a few... They want to return to their families in the occupied...


숙어 몇가지 뜻좀 가르쳐 주세요

◆be anxious to + 동사 ◆be concerned in (with)~ (=become occupied with) ◆get... 에 관심을 가지다 (=become occupied with) ◆ get in one's way : ~의...


영어 간단한 문장... 번역해주세요...

... (this only works if the house is somewhat un-occupied or the person has no life and... (this only works if the house is somewhat un-occupied or the person has no life...


영어해석좀 해주세요 ㅠ.ㅠ...

... be occupied with how they're going to get the heat and lights turned back on once they get... be occupied with B. 내가 3만 피트 상공에 있을 때, 나는 A가 B에 사로잡혀...



... that will keep me occupied!yep! i'm doing good! i have a lot of research... that will keep me occupied!yep! i'm doing good! 와. 나도 아이스 크림을 갖고...


영어 번역좀 해주세요^^;; 물리화학...

2번 What Volume will be occupied by 56kg of nitrigen at a pressure of 1.3bar and a... 급해요 도와주세요 ㅠ What Volume will be occupied by 56kg of nitrigen at a...


영어 문법틀린것좀 고쳐주세요 japa

... In 512, Shilla occupied Usanguk that included Ulengdo and Dokdo, and in 1432, "Seh... D, 512, Shilla (had conquered and) occupied Usanguk that included Uleungdo and...


영어 해석좀 부탁드립니다.

... owner-occupied housing from taxation (6) In the short run , a tax on economic... (5) The personal income tax includes the imputed rent from owner-occupied housing from...


자연스럽게 한국어로 바꿔주세요!

... Crsalp : A bit occupied here.. Comm : We're overrun here. Get the team to evac, now!... Crsalp : A bit occupied here.. 여긴 상황이 좀 안 좋습니다.. Comm : We're...


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