nourishment Qna 관련 답변 19 페이지


9문장만 해석좀 부탁드려요

1번 parasitic plants,attaching themselves to other plants and drawing nourishment from them, thereby sapping the strenght of the host plant, usually kill it. 2번 how much...


영작 좀 부탁합니다

... The animals now have to move to other areas for nourishment. They have to travel long distances to find food and water. During this time, animals are often in more danger of...


멀티게임 단어해석좀

... By eating a (멀티게임) diet, emphasis is put on sources of proteins and fats for nourishment. 2. The age-old use of (멀티게임) capitalizes on the use of natural products...


영어 질문입니다. 발음 nɜː

nourishment nɜːrɪʃmənt 인데요 ɜ 발음을 어떻게 해야할까요? 한국어에 ㅓ 에 가깝게 하시면됩니다.


Even a flower의 뜻좀....

... 내공은 얼마든지 Even a flower (~한) 꽂조차도 Even a flower That comes out of good soil Needs nourishment to germinate 좋은 토양에서 나온 꽃조차도 싹트기 위해서는...


영어 해독 부탁탁!!!내공있슴네다~

... "She's the most beautiful child in the village." Though they fed her plenty of rich nourishment, she grew no larger and remained always the size that was fiat born, no...


270) 영어 단어 'confront' 질문

... impacting / nourishment / negligence • (전략) Mothers who have difficulties sustaining(C) a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to infants who...


단문해석!! 내공 25!! 번역기사절@ 7시...

... 8.It is essential for him to take as much nourishment as possible. 9.The equipment was recommended as an essential item for the household. 10.The teacher emphasized artistic...


영어 수능 라이트 독해 해석 질문

미ㅌ줄 그은 부분이 도통 이해가 안가요 퓨 Its essential function of providing nourishment has caused us to forget that, in the hands of a great cook, a meal is capable of touching us as a love...

태그: 빠른답변부탁드립니다

★영어 번역 부탁드립니다...

... These tiny, strangely-shaped invertebrates provided most of the nourishment for... These tiny, strangely-shaped invertebrates provided most of the nourishment for the...


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