disciplines Qna 관련 답변 19 페이지


[내공30] 영어번역 좀 부탁드릴게요ㅠ_ㅠ

... academic disciplines are divided between popular and unpopular ones by the single... academic disciplines are divided between popular and unpopular ones by the single...


제가 번역한거 맞는지 확인부탁... 즉시...

When the second of the wars came, new disciplines were well enough evolved to join the older... When the second of the wars came, new disciplines were well enough evolved to join the...


영어 해석 부탁드립니다~~

... multiple disciplines and ways of knowing, along with more in-depth study in at... multiple disciplines and ways of knowing, along with more in-depth study in at...


영어 문법

Jack has tried to explain law’s resilience when faced with the interpretive claims of other disciplines. 이 문장에서 when faced 사이에 생략된 것은...

태그: 영어, 영어문법, 영어질문

영어 번역

... Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." 7절. 너희가 참음은 징계를 받기 위함이라 하나님이 아들과 같이 너희를...


영어 문제 답변 해주세요 ^^&

... 13.Artcriticismandthepsychologyofart,______disciplines... Artcriticismandthepsychologyofart,______disciplines,arebothrelatedtoaesthetics. (a)...


영어 번역 좀 부탁드립니다.

... of disciplines. Develops design deeply rooted in Japanese culture, particularly... of disciplines. Develops design deeply rooted in Japanese culture, particularly...



within the philosophical disciplines, logic must be learned through the use of examples... within the philosophical disciplines, logic must be learned through the use of...

태그: 문제풀이

불어문장 해석좀 해주세요

En 1891 nait un mouvement qui va s'intéresser à toutes les disciplines. Dan les... En 1891 nait un mouvement qui va s'intéresser à toutes les disciplines. 모든...


영어 해석 해주실분..

... many disciplines and bring them together in a meaningful way. Which aptitudes... many disciplines and bring them together in a meaningful way. 내 경험에...


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