deliberate Qna 관련 답변 19 페이지


... " With calm and deliberate emphasis the speaker then said: "Yes, there is a... With calm and deliberate emphasis the speaker then said: "Yes, there is a little black...


여기 있는 단어를 알파벳 순으로 정렬...

... monologue deliberate plot rod partial mutual priceless fate pursue Atlantic weird booth prescribe erupt insult gaze supreme context complete race...



... very deliberate work 좀 이해하기 편하도록 부탁드릴게요 The special computer is... very deliberate work 특수 컴퓨터는 매우 계획적인(심사숙고해야하는) 작업을...


DDMP에 관하여

운송업을 하는중인데 DDMP의 뜻이 궁금합니다 deliberate decision-making process ( DDMP ) 군사]] 정밀 결심수립 절차 => 의사결정과정


이거 해석쫌 부탁드립니다.. 내공팍팍!

... the deliberate killing in 1997 of two patients who were in coma but were not... the deliberate killing in 1997 of two patients who were in coma but were not...


영어번역해주세요 ㅠㅠ내공100걸어요 ㅠㅠ

... In fact, the Internet has begun to be used as a deliberate strategy to circulate... In fact, the Internet has begun to be used as a deliberate strategy to circulate...


$(13)정확한 번역 부탁드립니다. 내공...

There appears to have been a deliberate system of savage and barbarous treatment the... There appears to have been a deliberate system of savage and barbarous treatment...


시험인데 영어 번역좀 부탁합니다...

... than deliberate exposure to frightening settings. 몇군데 오타가 있는듯... than deliberate exposure to frightening settings. Wecht 씨와 다른 사람들은...


영어 번역좀 부탁드립니다,,.(번역기...

... Real’s deliberate attempts to unsettle Ronaldo, but as long as the two-time... Real’s deliberate attempts to unsettle Ronaldo, but as long as the two-time...


이거 해석 좀 부탁드려요~ㅠㅠ(급해요~!!)

... to deliberate action," he said. And to his great surprise, he lifted the weights!... to deliberate action," he said. And to his great surprise, he lifted the weights!...


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