copious Qna 관련 답변 19 페이지


active와 agile은 어떤 관계일까요?

... prodigal은 '낭비하는(extravagant, wasteful), (물 쓰듯)마구 쓰는(lavish), 풍부한(copious)'이라는 뜻으로 쓰입니다. 'pro(forth)'와 'ig(ag)'가 결합하여 '모든 것이 자신...


코나미 e-amusement pass 카드 데이터...

... 현제 카드에는 Jubeat Sauser, Reflecbeat Colette, Sound Voltex : Booth가 있고, 분실 카드에는 Jubeat Knit/Copious/Sauser, Reflecbeat original/limelight/colette, Sound Voltex...


치과에 관련된 영문 해석이여 너무...

... It is important for the dental assistant to irrigate the canals with copious amounts of sodium hypochlorite while the doctor is enlarging the canals. 9. Many doctors prefer...



... unbusinesslike copious interlaced decomposed underlet uncurb gaga executant upwell ora pro nobis Bab primp evaporator of refrigerator pettifog bioengineer king...


외국어에서 기원한 영어 어휘

... plenty copious, cornucopia, copiously fama fame fame, famous, infamous provincia province province, provincial, provincialism multa many multitude...



... 20 In contrast to Sarbanes-Oxley, the Combined Code incorporates a set of guiding principles -- rather than copious lists of exhaustive rules -- that are designed to...


B-폭격기 시리즈에서 17,29,52말고...

... Cartridge engine starters in an RB-57B producing copious amounts of black smoke . On 21 February 1951, a British Canberra B.2 became the first-ever jet to...


슬개구 탈구 수술 후, 궁금한점과 걱정...

... copious irrigation후 H-vac을 lateral side에 insertion함. layer by layer로 wound closure후 compression dressing하고 knee extension상태에서 long leg splint apply하고 수술을 마침....


영어 작문 한 것 수정 부탁드려요

... the tank is entered corn which is nutrition copious 그 통은 영양히 방대한... the tank is entered corn which is nutrition copious 그 통은 영양히 방대한...


풀이좀요 해주실분~~~

... unbusinesslike copious interlaced decomposed underlet uncurb gaga... unbusinesslike copious interlaced decomposed underlet uncurb gaga executant...


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