preoccupied Qna 관련 답변 18 페이지

as~as 구문에 대한 질문

As preoccupied as each of us may be with ~ 여기서 as ~ as 는 어떻개 해석해야... each of us may be as preoccupied as with 인 듯한 문장입니다. 각각의 우리는 (다른...


번역좀 부탁드립니다~~

... Williams notes that "students [are] preoccupied with fingerings and not notes... [are] preoccupied with fingerings and not notes, much less sounds"; some are able...


핸드폰이 우리에게 미친 나쁜 경향 ( 지능...

... Even when spending time with family or friends, some people are preoccupied with their phones, which can lead to a lack of connection and poor social skills. Some people...


영어고수님들아~~ 이것좀 해석해주세요...

... much preoccupied. 12. The matter being settled, they were about to stand up, when... much preoccupied. -> 상호소통이 쉽고 빠르며, 매일매일 세상의...



... too preoccupied. 2. Some occasion may arise when you will be to save a life, or at... too preoccupied. 우리가 살고있는 시대는 커뮤니케이션이 쉽고...


다음 본문을 읽고 물음에...

... passionately preoccupied with one another. Although most societies recognize that some people may be "smitten" by love, Americans have capitalized on these...


내공겁니다 영어 좀 도와주세요 ㅠ

... Maybe he was preoccupied with work or, more likely, is temporarily hard of hearing after... Maybe he was preoccupied with work or, more likely, is temporarily hard of hearing after watching...


영어독해문제 빨리요ㅜㅜ

빠르게 부탁드려요ㅜㅜ 1-1 2-3 3. preoccupied 4-5

태그: 영어, 영어리딩, 영어독해

영문번역 - 음악해설

... have preoccupied the bulk of the Symphony. In October 1821 Arriaga , with the... have preoccupied the bulk of the Symphony . 미성년자에게 되돌아간 후...


영어 단어

... I was preoccupied with the accident. 나는 그 사고가 계속 신경이 쓰였다. The students tried to preoccupy the seats. 그 학생들은 그 자리를 선점하려고...


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