justification Qna 관련 답변 18 페이지


간단한 영문메일 해석 부탁요

... 특히...justification 부분이 이해가 잘 안되네요... left justification. Feel free to call me if you have any... 여기서 left justification 은 제가보기엔 컴퓨터...


영어해석 Supplemental Reading

... philosophical justification of their pursuit of wealth. Social Darwinism, the... philosophical justification of their pursuit of wealth. 영국 철학자 허버트...


영어번역부탁드립니다, 정말...

... philosophical justification ) between fact and fancy, they did not view... philosophical justification ) between fact and fancy, they did not view historiography as a...


영문해석좀 꼭 부탁해요 내공 100...

... The main justification these authors gave for paternal involvement was that... The main justification these authors gave for paternal involvement was that fathers...


토익 파트5 질문이에요

... justification 4. appearance 답은 3 근데 왜 2번은... justification 이 답인가요? 이게 정당화, 변명의... 정당사유가 없다고 규정한 거죠. 그래서 justification !


영작 부탁드립니다 (번역기 사용X)

... we kindly request clarification on the validity of the compensation amount. Could you please provide further information on the justification for the compensation?


회계관련 영어지문 해석 부탁.....

... Thomas Aquinas who found justification for making a profit. He wrote, Gain, which... Thomas Aquinas who found justification for making a profit. 이것이 르네상의...


영어해석 자신있으신분..도움좀..

The search of truth needs no justification, and when a man thinks he has found any... The search of truth needs no justification, and when a man thinks he has found any...


영어 독해질문용..~~

... 부탁~~ 글구용 이 문장좀 해석해주세요..ㅜ What justification is there for... What justification is there for a word which is simply the opposite of some other word?...


영어 해석좀 해주셈

... Their justification : some 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in... Their justification : some 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in...


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