beliefs Qna 관련 답변 18 페이지

영어 해석 부탁드리겠습니다!!!!

... religious beliefs.[9] 이문장인데요. 무성애에대한 내용인데... religious beliefs.[9] 무성애는 개인의 성격, 사회성, 종교적 신념과 같은 요인들에...


영어번역좀 해주세요!!

... Whatever negative beliefs you may have, you can choose to change them. If your beliefs are not producing good... You have the freedom to throw away some beliefs and...


영문법 질문입니다.

... or beliefs' 문장에서 맨 마지막에 등위 접속사 or 기준으로 knowledge와 beliefs가 묶이는 거같은데 질문은 1. 명사끼리 묶으면 형태가 같다고...


올림포스 독해의 기본1 이게 도대체 뭔말

This deep longing to choose our own purpose, beliefs, and actions, no matter what age we are, is fought for and defended in every home, particularly by children whose parents overlook their vital need for...

태그: 독해의기본1, 올림포스독해의기본1, 올림포스영어, 영어, 영어문장, 영어문장해석, 독해, 영어독해, 고1, 영어내신

She have a range of

... held beliefs are emphasized. 문장 구조 분석 및... held beliefs are emphasized. ="confirmation bias... held beliefs are emphasized. ="confirmation bias" referring to a...

태그: 영어해석, 문장분석

3번째 단락 These~Declaration. 잘...

... the beliefs of the first American leaders, the founding fathers. These beliefs are still important to the... Rights are based on beliefs about what is fair. The...

태그: 영어, 해석

It is ~ that 강조구문 바꾸기전 형태...

It is not only beliefs, attitudes, and values that are subjective.... ●It is not only beliefs, attitudes, and values that are subjective. --> Not only beliefs, attitudes, and values are...

태그: 영어문법, 강조구문, 제발알려주세요부탁드려요ㅠㅠ

지문 해석해주세요

Our beliefs about emotions not only describe what is, whether in fact or myth, but they also... Our beliefs about emotions not only describe what is, whether in fact or myth, but they...



... attitudes and beliefs toward the self(self-appreciating attitudes and beliefs). the culturally diverse... attitudes and beliefs toward members of same minority...


영어 해석 자세히 부탁드립니다.

... s beliefs about us, which leads to the children's actions toward us and then reinforce our children's beliefs about... which leads 에서 which 는 beliefs 이기 때문에...


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