requisite Qna 관련 답변 17 페이지

영어 번역좀 번역기 ㄴㄴ

... Without the requisite understandings and skill to learn with and from those in our field setting, we will tend to accumulate novel experiences but without stepping...


준학사학위자 미국대학입학

... 준비하실 서류는 전문대 성적과 토플 점수입니다. 다만, 전공별로 pre requisite이라는 선수 과목 이수 요건이 있으므로 이 부분 이수 여부를 확인하시기 바랍니다.

태그: 정규유학, 미국대학편입, 지식인카드, 지식인카드답변, 플레이스URL

영어 문장 해석좀

... it makes absolutely no difference to medical schools what you have studied as long as you have documented your activities and received excellent grades in the pre-requisite science...


이거 해석좀 해 주세요 ㅠ.ㅠ(내공 100)

... Public policy would be directed more toward the need of those striving to achieve the autonomy level requisite for competent adulthood and less toward the whims of those who...


숙제한건데 맞나 봐주세요 (30문장)

... 형용사 requisite필요한 In Korea, for people 65 and over, riding a bus doesn't... 형용사 requisite필요한 In Korea, for people 65 and over, riding a bus doesn't...


영어 해석 급부탁~내공있어염

... is requisite for its protection. 2. If by his vices or follies a person does no direct harm others, he is nevertheless (it may be said) injurious by his example; and ought to be...


미국 커뮤니티 컬리지

... (pre- requisite 이 많아서) 3. 2번과 이어지는 질문입니다. 만일 희망 학과가 CC다니는 도중 바뀐다면, 대학에서 요구하는 필수 수강 과목이 달라질텐데, 읽으셨다시피 유사...


영어 자기소개 문장 만들기

... 4 requisite cuerses this semester My hobbies are watch baseball I like baseball very much I go to watch baseball once a month I go to watch baseball with my firend My...


영어고수님들 해석 도와주세요~(내공 )

... His satirical verse, like Peter Bell the Third, is negligible, for he lacked the requisite sense of humor. But his position as a lyric poet is secure; he is purely romantic, a...


해석부탁합니다.. 급해요.. 내공겁니다.

IN GAME AND SPORTS The basic requisite for good manners at any game table or sports area... 기본적인 requisite 저 age-old 질 sportsmanship 이다 . sportsmanship을...


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