promote Qna 관련 답변 17 페이지

수동태 능동태 바꾸는 법 알려주세요

... Tom gets a higher office at the moment (he, promote) the photocopier broke... it, repair) Tom gets a higher office at the moment (he, promote) Tom is promoted...

태그: 수동태, 능동태, 영어문법, 영어

영어 질문

Is advertising the only way to promote products? 이... Is advertising the only way which(that) promote products?... 영어 질문 Is advertising the only way to promote products? 이...


토익 동사 질문

... Senior management is ___ whether to promote Ms. Park to manager or to hire an external... Senior management is ___ whether to promote Ms. Park to manager or to hire an external...

태그: 문제풀이

이게 맞는 영어문장 인가요?

I learned how to promote and produce advertisements 나는 광고 홍보방법과 제작법을... how가 promote랑 produce를 수식해서 맞는문장입니다. 번역기의 용도는 ‘일상적인...


영어 문장 질문입니다

... Fourth, she said that she plans to think about her life and promote her values in... ===================- Fourth, she said that she plans to think about her life and promote...

태그: 영어수행, 롤모델, 영어문법, 영어어법, 영어문장, 중3영어, 중3미래엔영어, 미래엔영어

구문분석 부탁드릴게요. 짧아요!

... or promote general health, sleep health, training adaptations and/or recovery... or promote general health, sleep health, training adaptations and or recovery) /warrant...


영어 아래 단어들로 문장 완성 좀...

... promote backing track mixture support visuals... promote, backing, track, mixture, support, visuals... A lot of bands use the Internet to (promote) their...

태그: 영어공부, 영어단어, 영어단어로문장만들기, 영어문장완성, 영어문장만들어주세요

I am sorry Em. Do you need some...

A : How do I promote a show if I can't see the clothes? B : I am sorry Em. Do you need some good work... A : How do I promote a show if I can't see the clothes? B : I am sorry Em. Do you need some good...


영문법 질문

business (that) promote its product~ 관계대명사가 생략됐다고 보면 되나요?... 자리에 원형부정사가 나온 형태입니다. ~ can help any business (to) promote ~

태그: 영문법질문

필리핀에서 사온 이 제픔은?

... Feature: Relieve pain, antispasmodic, Dispelling dampness, Promote the blood circulation, Sweating, fever, stomach bilge gas, Anticorona ,anti-nausea...

태그: 검색질문, 통합검색궁금증, 통합검색질문하기

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