but Qna 관련 답변 17 페이지


Not only but also 예문 좀...

Not only A but also B 도치 구문에서 but also 뒤 주어가 Not only 뒤 주어와... 부탁드립니다. ⭐️질문의 대한 답변: Not only does she sing, but also plays the piano


Not only A but alao B구문 질문

안녕하세요 질문하러왔습다 혹시 Not only you but... but Also james olays the plano가 맞는구문인가요?? 맞다면 간략한 설명 부탁합니다! =>Not only you but...

태그: 영어

not ... but?

... systems, but assign whatever tasks can be automated to the... 뒤에 but이 들어간 이유를 잘 모르겠어요... systems, but assign whatever tasks can be automated to the...


Not only a but also b

... opinion but on moral purpose 이게 왜 제목처럼... opinion but on moral purpose 이게 왜 제목처럼 해석이 되는건가요? =>not just A but (also) B...


But to의 역할

But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a... but to가 어떻게 무슨 품사로 쓰이고 어떻게 해석되는건가요? 알려주세여ㅜㅜ 여기서는 But to...


A common but incorre

A common but incorrect assumption is that we are creatures of reason when, in fact, we are... A common but incorrect assumption is that we are creatures of reason when, in fact, we...


영어 문법 not A but B 궁금한 점!

not A but B는 A와 B가 병렬관계라 둘의 문법적 형태가... others, but they make the time. 이라는 문장에서는 , 앞의 문장 not 뒤와 , 뒤의 문장 but 뒤의...

태그: 고등영어, notabutb, 영어문법, 영어

But by the 1970s, ps

But by the 1970s, psychologists realized there was no such thing as a general "creativity quotient."에서 But이랑 by 사이에 원래 콤마가 있었나요?여기서 But이 접속사 인데...

태그: 영어문법

nothing much but you 뜻

hey 하길래 wassup 했는데 nothing much but you 이러는데 아 뭔뜻이죠 알지도... nothing much but you Nothing much going on with me I am doing nothing much.. 이런...


Not only but also

... children, but all age ranges abd levels of experience. 위 구문에서 not only but also구문 같아... not A but B는 아닌 것같고요.. Our classes aim to serve not...


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