misses Qna 관련 답변 16 페이지


영어 농담인 것 같은데 해석 좀

... still misses me... But her aim is getting better. It's funny... still misses me... 내 전 부인은 나를 그리워 한다 여기서, misses = 못 맞추다 But her aim is getting...

태그: 영어해석, 영어, 영어농담

해석 짧은건데 맞게 했는지좀 봐주세요....^^

... only misses sometimes. ( ????? ) 큐피트는 가끔... only misses sometimes. (당신은 언제나 나의 것일... Cupid misses sometimes. 큐피드도 가끔 한번씩은 실수를 한다...


영어 고수님들. 해결해주세요 ^^ ㅎ...

... You do not want to wake up in your senior year and with that you had not misses many... You do not want to wake up in your senior year and with that you had not misses many...


영어해석 부탁드립니다.

... no confirmation = absent if a student can't attend or misses a test, quize or... if a student can't attend or misses a test, quize or examination for any reason, s/he...


영어 해석 (내공30)

... He misses his family,but he has many friens at school.He aften talks with them late... He misses his family,but he has many friens at school. 그는 그의 가족을...


영어해석 15문장이요. [내공25+감사내공]

... Today Tashi's family misses their country. 08. But they like Switzerland. 09. It... Today Tashi's family misses their country. 오늘날 타쉬의 가족들은 그들의...



Sandra never misses a music show on TV. She likes singing and dancing. Sandra's brother has a... never misses a music show on TV. 쌘드라 네V어r 미씨z으 어 뮤z익 쑈(우) 언 티V이...


영어 해석좀해주세열

... jimin already misses her family and friends, but at the same time, she looks... jimin already misses her family and friends, but at the same time, she looks forward to...


영어 해석 해주세요!

1 The city is creating after school programs for inner-city youths 2 She misses her early... She misses her early youth. 그녀는 그녀의 어린 시절을 그리워한다. She...


영어문제 너무 어려워요 좀 풀어주세요...

... misses 2. missed 3. miss 4. missing - There are ATMs outside where you can... misses 2. missed 3. miss 4. missing - There are ATMs outside where you can...


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