justifiable Qna 관련 답변 16 페이지


이 문장 해석 해 주세요[번역기x]

Prosperity can produce inequality─an outcomethat, within limits, may be economically justifiable. 번영은 불평등을 낳는다(경제적으로 정당하다고 할 수...


해석좀 해주세요 ㅜ

... and in any event it was not justifiable to disperse China's wealth to the frontiers at the expense of popular hardship such as corvee service and military service. When the...


영어 작문부탁드립니다. 나름 짧아요 .ㅠ...

... But I like myself who is justifiable to all. 정말 못하는 영어도 이렇게 큰소리로 말할 수 있는 내가 좋다. I like myself who can speak poor English with loud vioce....


해석 부탁드립니다.

... as justifiable under the law applicable or under the Contract of Affreightment. The basis of contribution to General Average of the property involved shall be the values on...



... Then, Kimble (without Justifiable Reason) was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. However, on the way to prison, Kimble's transport crashed. Kimble escapes and is now on...


세 문장 영어 정확한 해석좀...

... 3) Students have to think up reasons why the level of violence in films is quite justifiable and unworrying. 학생들은 영화에서 폭력의 수위가 정말 정당화될 수...


영어회화숙제 최근 영어기사 3개만...

... are justifiable or not, as social order and the legal system must be maintained. Developers and conservationists should always try to find a balance. At...


폴햄이라는 브랜드를 알고싶어요...^^

... 폴햄은 보스톤의 전통 아메리칸 테이스트에 ‘정당한 자부심(The Justifiable)’을 브랜드 철학으로 내세워 캐주얼함과 스포티함을 추구하는 라이프스타일을 반영해 건강하고...


사설해석좀... 급해요~!!

... In the meantime, the administration should make greater efforts to help our citizens find a justifiable reason for participating in the new nation-building process in the...


영어 번역(내공100)

... Is justifiable even if use some technology in Taekgyeon business conditions, but the technology must be Neunjireugi. This is essential rule for safety of contestant....


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