isolated Qna 관련 답변 16 페이지


they believe 삽입절

Scientists have isolated genes in common baker's yeast that they believe are responsible for ageing. 1. Scientists have isolated... Scientists have isolated genes in common baker's yeast that they...


어색한 부분 2문장 봐주세요!!

... in isolated pockets of Asia. 1제가 article 보고... in isolated pockets of Asia. 두번째 문장은 무난히... in isolated pockets of Asia. 두번째 문장을 이렇게...


격리 교차 코인선물

... 모드 (Isolated mode) 격리 모드는 선물지갑에 있는 증거금과 배팅금액 (마진금액)을 별도로 분리해서, 거래를 하겠다는 모드입니다. 청산이 발생했을 때, 내가 투자한 금액...


분사구문에서 문법

... than isolated까지 주절의 주어와 의미상의... than isolated까지 주절의 주어와 의미상의 주어가... -> ~ as they feel connected with others rather than isolated....


whether we write a shopping list or...

... ourselves isolated. 에서 which는 목적격 관계대명사인가요? 이 문장이... ourselves isolated. 에서 which는 목적격 관계대명사인가요? -> without which는...


영어 문제좀 제발제발 도와주세요!!!

... The researchers isolated one important factor – the... 2) ‘the researchers isolated’는 과거분사구로... One important factor isolated by the researchers is how much a...

태그: 영어문법, 영어작문도와주세요, 문제풀이

영어 문장분석 부탁드려요

Several villages have been isolated by the flood... been/ isolated/ by/ the/ flood // => 형용사 / 명사... been isolated 동사 / by the flood 수식어 (부사구) => 1형식...


고수님들 잠시 이것좀 봐주세요 ( 1문장)

Long ago there was a village of people who lived isolated from the rest of the world.... 또 위에 문장에서 isolated가 유사보어인가요? 아니면 isolated from the rest of the world...


Scientists have isol

Scientists have isolated genes in common baker's yeast that they... have isolated genes in common baker's yeast that they... 1) Scientists have isolated genes in common baker's yeast....


영어 질문

it brings together kids who feel they are isolated by their... are isolated by their illnesses. It brings together kids... are isolated by their illnesses 질병으로 인해 고립을...


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