fridge Qna 관련 답변 16 페이지

영어 기초 질문

... There is no milk in the fridge (냉장고에 우유가 없다) 또는 There are no cars on the street (길에 차가 없다)와 같이 사용됩니다. 따라서, There is not과 There is...


영어 질문

... There isn't food left in the fridge. 5.There is much work to be done. 6. There isn't homework for tomorrow. 7. There are a lot of people at the market....


영작한거 틀린부분 수정좀해주세요...

... Koreans tend to keep many foods in fridge. But if the food is still hot, it makes fridge work more... in fridge. If food that is still hot is put in a...


왜 이 문제에서 it이 정답이 아닌가요?

There is a lot of juice in the fridge. I want to drink _________. 이라는 객관식 문제인데... 만약에 문제가 There is a bottle of juice in the fridge 라고 되어있다면, it가 들어갈...

태그: 문제풀이

It is unwise to eat

It is unwise to eat the mashed potato in the fridge that is left over from sunday night... It is unwise to eat the mashed potato in the fridge that is left over from sunday...



This is why ice cream does not taste that sweet straight from the fridge. 문장해석하고..... This is why ice cream does not taste that sweet straight from the fridge. 이래서...


영어 I`ve 뜻이랑

I`ve got a little cheese in the fridge I could bring along. 이 문장에서 I`ve 는 무슨... the fridge I could bring along. 이 문장에서 I`ve 는 무슨 뜻인가요? I could랑 같이...


영어문제좀 풀어주세요

... There is some chicken in the fridge. [ ] 8. They need some cheese for the... the fridge. [ There isn't any chicken in the fridge. There is no chicken in...


해석 부탁이요오 번역기ㄴㄴ

... Is it on the fridge? No, it's not! Is it in the fridge? Yes, it is! Where is the... Is it on the fridge? No, it's not! 그것은 냉장고에 있나요? 아니요...


고수님께 질문 드립니다.

... Dog reacts to opening of fridge. 유튜브 자막으로 나온 문구인데 해석 좀 해주십시오. 소리라기 보단, 냉장고가 열리는 모습에 반응하는 강아지가 더 정확한...


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