toxicity Qna 관련 답변 15 페이지


유타 헤비메탈

... System of a Down - Toxicity 4. Pantera - Cowboys from Hell 5. Slayer - Raining Blood 이외에도 Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath 등의 전설적인 헤비메탈...


번역[해석]좀 부탁드립니다.[내공드립니다]

... acute toxicity of pollutants. Hence, a series of expriments were conducted to... acute toxicity of pollutants. Hence, a series of expriments were conducted to find...


강아지가 초코과자를 먹었어요 ㅠㅠ

... 5kg 정도 나갑니다 ㅠㅠ 수의진단의학과 :: 초콜랫 독성 용량 : chocolate dog toxicity dose ( 여기서 독성 용량을 확인해보시고 심각하면 병원에 가서 위세척 혹은...

태그: 강아지, 강아지가초콜릿먹었을때, 강아지가, 초코과자, 먹었을때, 도와주세요ㅠㅠ

제발 이거 번역 좀 해주세요ㅠ

... = Food toxicity(poisoning) : Toxin from the food itself and not an immune reaction(e.g.... =음식 유독(toxicity) : 음식 그 자체에서 나오는 독성 그리고 비...


Tocix , venom ,poison 차이가 뭔가요?

... 제가 의미릉 잘못 알고 있는걸까요 toxic 은 형용사입니다. 명사는 toxicity 에요. 셋다 의미가 조금씩 다르고 사용 가능한 상황이 정해져있습니다.


영어 문장 궁금합니다.

... We also conducted an histological examinations to observe the toxicity of the recommended dose of vpo. We conducted this experiment on bear, one of the most important...


오르필 300 과다복용

... VALPROIC ACID TOXICITY: MILD: Greater than 200 mg/kg risk of CNS depression; MODERATE: Greater than 400 mg/kg risk of multiorgan system toxicities; and SEVERE: Greater than...



... Though nuclear waste is highly toxic, it loses its toxicity over time. Even the... Though nuclear waste is highly toxic, it loses its toxicity over time. 비록...


영작된 글 문법좀 봐주세요~ (내공60~)

... However, that hobby will be not have toxicity and don't waste many times. I... However, that hobby will be not have toxicity and don't waste many times. I...


번역 부탁드립니다. 많이 긴 글이라서...

... It's possible to track this with a toxicity meter, though, and there are... It's possible to track this with a toxicity meter, though, and there are antitoxin potions...


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