illogical Qna 관련 답변 15 페이지



... You didn't answer my question. Instead, you gave me an illogical, irrelevant and weird answer. Can't you understand my English? Your answer seems to be perfunctory.


독해좀 부탁드려요~

... absurd, illogical, and divine : we can forgive. Try forgiving a friend who betrays a confidence, or a co-worker who tells lies about you. When the real effort of forgiveness...


독해 1문제 최대한 빨리

... Believing, therefore, that the sun may possibly not rise tomorrow is, strictly speaking, not illogical, since the conclusion that it must rise tomorrow...


타투 견적질문요(레터링)

... We are overcome by anguish at this illogical moment of humanity. . It is not just a simple game, it is a weapon of the revolution. Better to die standing, than to live on your knees....


영어 문법 질문입니다.

Piaget began to suspect that behind their cut and seemingly illogical utterances were thought... seemingly illogical utterances인 가요? 설명 좀 부탁드릴게요. 1. 우선 behind 는...


9문장만 해석좀 부탁드려요

... 9번 it occurs to me that there are a few possible explanations for the child's illogical behavior. 해석 1. 다른 식물에 붙어서 영양분을 흡수하여 결국 원...


영어문법 질문이요

Contemporary society operates on an illogical misconception 뭔뜻이죠 현 사회는 비논리적인 오해로 이루어져 있다 라는 뜻입니다!


영어 해석좀 부탁드려요 내공50)

... At that time, Sir Francis Bacon rejected the idea of syllogism and deductive reasoning by asserting that it was fallible and illogical. Bacon offered a more inductive...


번역좀 부탁드려요^^

... It is intended by Orwell as a succinct and vivid representation of an illogical statement, especially one made and maintained to suit an ideological agenda. Orwell's...


친구가 보내준건데...해석을 못해요......

... highly illogical. One might even say that to embraces Eros is to enter into a state of... anything illogical or involuntary, anything beyond reason, and there is nothing beyond...


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