disembarkation Qna 관련 답변 15 페이지


영어 100문장 해석부탁합니다

... 78 may I have a disembarkation card? 79 could you tell me how to fill in this form? 80 what's the purpose of your visit? 81 i'd like to make a reaervation 82 I want to reserve...


싱가포르 입출국신고서 샘플좀...

... Next City/ Port of Disembarkation After Singapore 18. Travelling On+ ㉠Group Package㉡Non-Group Package㉢Others 19. Purpose Of Entry+ ㉠Holiday㉡Company...


탄핵 D-DAY가 되었는데요, DAY의 'D' 가...

... The French maintain the D means “disembarkation,” still others say “debarkation,” and the more poetic insist D-Day is short for “day of decision.”...


에어비앤비 호스트에게 남길 일본어를...

... We need the information to feel out the disembarkation card when we enter to the country. Also, we wonder where we can get our card key when we check in. I'm so sorry to bother you with this, but it's...



... 반드시 유니폼을 입었을 때만 휴대가능 Embarkation / Disembarkation card 출입국 기록카드 Forced landing 비상착륙, 기체구조상의 고장 Galley 항공기 내의 주방 Gate way...


공항에서 쓰는 회화좀

... May I see your disembarkation card? (입국 카드를 보여 주시겠습니까?) 43. How long are you staying? (어느 정도 머물 예정입니까?) 44. Where are you...


이거 한줄로 만들어주시면 내공 다...

'tetrabromophenolsulfonephthalein', 'acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene', 'dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane', 'chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile...

태그: 컴퓨터

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