convention Qna 관련 답변 15 페이지

유엔 친환경 관련협약 알려주세요

... Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC) 3. 생물다양성 협약 (Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD) 4. 사막화 방지 협약 (United Nations Convention to...


명사절 접속사 문제 풀이!!!!ㅠㅠ

Participants of the linguistics convention were assured that ____ reports they needed could be provided if requested in advance. 1. this 2.every 3.whose 4. whichever 여기서 1,2는...


토익문법 질문이요

... in the Lawrence Convention center;s main dining room. (a) plan (b) plans (c)... in the Lawrence Convention center;s main dining room. (a) plan (b) plans (c) planning...


문장 구조 질문

... our convention center? 여기서 here~ 부분은 수식어구로 온 건지... our convention center? here 와 at our convention center가 같은 곳을 얘기하고...


영어 해석 질문

... park will have confirmed the number of attendees at the architects' convention by... park will have confirmed the number of attendees at the architects' convention by A....


시제 문제

... the convention center _____. [was completed / has been completed] 답이 next month와... the convention center _____. [was completed / has been completed] 답이 next month와...


이 영어 문장 해석 해주세요 ㅠㅠ

... Heritage Convention, art. 4). 3개월의 기적 화정동영어학원 이지베스트... Heritage Convention, art. 4). 문화와 국가의 유산인 미래 세대에게 **구문 독해한...

태그: 화정영어학원, 화정동영어학원, 행신동영어, 행신동영어학원, 화정동국어학원, 화정동수학학원, 행신동국어학원, 행신동수학학원, 해커스, 수능특강영어

영어 문법 질문

Participants of the linguistics convention were assured that ( ) reports they needed could... Participants of the linguistics convention were assured that ( ) reports they needed...

태그: 영어문법

환경 보존을 위항 국제 협약

... 생물다양성 협약 (Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD): - 내용: 생물다양성 보전을 위한... 국제 해양 폐기물 규제협약 (London Convention and Protocol): - 내용: 해양 환경 보호를...


영문해석 부탁드립니다.

... UN Convention, adopted on 28 July 1994('the New York... this Convention in particular, have to pass before entry into force. The UN convention was adopted by UNCLOS...


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