virtue Qna 관련 답변 14 페이지

George Herbert의 시 "Peace" 번역좀...

... That virtue lies therein; A secret virtue, bringing peace and mirth By flight of... That virtue lies therein; A secret virtue, bringing peace and mirth By flight of...


영어 문장 구조

... for virtue as they to for pleasure.라는 문장에서 would but exercise는... for virtue as they to for pleasure. 세네카가 말하기를, "사람들이 쾌락을 위해...


벽화의 이름

... 답변 부탁드립니다 해당 벽화는 성베드로 대성당에 위치해있는 성스러운 미덕 (Holy Virtue) 라는 작품입니다 관련 사진 첨부하겠습니다 맞는지 확인해주시길 바랍니다


영어 한문장만 해석해주세요 내공많이

... They had both become, by virtue of their moderation, their humour, and their... They had both become, by virtue of their moderation, their humour, and their abstinence from...


간단한 문장3개 해석좀여 ㅠㅠ 고1수준

Virtue and vice are before; the one leads to happiness, the other to misery. (여기에... Virtue and vice are before; the one leads to happiness, the other to misery. (여기에...



... Your youth could a virtue by way of what you ethically and earnestly expect of the world. = 젊은 시절은 네가 도덕적으로 그리고 진정으로 세상에 기대하는 것을 통해 덕이...


토익 문제 질문입니다.

... By virtue of the program , jogging became an -------- popular way of losing weight... By virtue of the program , jogging became an -------- popular way of losing...


영어 어색한 문장

... Bribery may make it hard of people learn the virtue of... the virtue of gratitude. make it hard (for people) to learn the virtue of gratitude. make 가목...


영어문장 번역좀 부탁드려요 !!

... in virtue of his individuality, but rather as a member of a great human society, which... in virtue of his individuality,but rather as a member of a great human society, which...

태그: 영어번역, 영어해석

영어 해석이요

해석 부탁드릴게요 Franklin put the virtue of showing... Order was the third virtue, as he thought everything shoud have its own time. Franklin put the virtue of showing...


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