systolic Qna 관련 답변 14 페이지

diastolic수축기 혈압

의무기록지내 의학용어 번역 정보...

... Normal LV cavity size and normal systolic function 2. No... Nomal LV systolic function (EF=67.3%) 심전도 검사... "Nomal LV systolic function (EF=67.3%)" --> 좌심실의...


영어 논문 번역 질문드립니다

<고혈압 치료제, 아스피린, 스타틴> the us and puerto rico systolic blood... arm systolic in comparison with standard treatment. cognitive assessment continued after...


검사결과에대한 해석 부탁드립니다~!!!

... Near Normal LV systolic function 2. PMLV tip prolapse/c eccentric Mild MR 3. Mild... Near Normal LV systolic function 2. PMLV tip prolapse/c eccentric Mild MR 3. Mild...

태그: 검사결과해석, 검사결과분석, 검사결과판독

한 문장 해석 부탁드립니다.

... components: systolic and diastolic. Systolic pressure is taken when the heart... In the usual blood pressure reading, the systolic measurement is given first...


[내공있음]의학논문영어 해석 좀...

... and systolic pressure tend to be. Stroke volume is... the systolic-pressure. The percentage of end... and systolic pressure tend to be. 더 크다 ∥ 수축의...


심장초음파결과 해석좀해주세요

1.Normal LV chamber size Mild LA enlargement(4.48cm by M-mode) 2.Normal LV systolic function(EF: 68.39% by m-mode) 3.Normal diastolic dysfunctio 4.Trivial MR 5.No significant...


번역부탁이요! 내공100

... for systolic blood pressure, daily life pracitces (monitoring body weight and BP... for systolic blood pressure, daily life pracitces (monitoring body weight and BP...


급) 의학 번역 부탁드립니다. T.T

... On Doppler study, Both interlobar artery show decreased systolic velocity, non-specific RI. [CONCLUSION] Renal parenchymal disease, both kidney is suggested....


심장초음파 해석 좀 부탁드립니다

... normal lv cavity size with normal lv systolic function 2. normal la size and normal lv wall thickness 3. bsal & mid ventriuclar lever1 posterolateral wall mild hypokinesia 4. normal function of...



... sys 는 systolic pressure (수축기혈압) dia 는 diastolic pressure (이완기혈압) 를 의미합니다. pul 은 정확히 어떤 것을 지칭하는지 잘 모르겠어요;; 수축기 혈압은 심장이...

태그: 검색질문, 통합검색궁금증, 통합검색질문하기

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