endometrium Qna 관련 답변 14 페이지

의사진단서 번역부탁드립니다.

... endometrium : atrophied 3. myometrium : metastatic carcinoma adenomyosis Omentum : metastatic carcinoma regional LN : no tumor **Cytology : metastatic adenocarcinoma 2) 1....


영어동아리 이름 정하는데 en이...

... endometritises endometrium endometriums endomitoses endomitosis endomitotic endomixes endomixis endomixises endomorph endomorphic endomorphies...

태그: 영어, 동아리, 단어

조직검사결과 및 진단서 해석

... 병리학적 진단 endometrium curettage suggestive of adenosarcoma 진단서 최종 진단 malignant neoplasm of uterus part unspecified adeno-sarcoma 전에 글을 올리셧던 분인 것...


조직병리진단지 해석 부탁드립니다

... 0gm in total weight cord: not found, grossy lide keys (blocks): Multisected and representative (A1 to A4) Gross sectioned by BHK DIAGNOSIS : (4 HE) Endometrium, curettage: Product of...


산부인과 진단 해석좀 해주세요

... Cervix ;Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III with features of human papilloma virus infection and clear resection margin Endometrium; proliferative phase Myometrium; No pathologic...


의사선생님 어머니 결과지인데 해석이...

gross Findings 병리변호 : S11-087480 Specimen is multiple soft, pink-red tissue, measuring 4.0cm in total Entire sections(block 1A,B) Diagnosis uterus, endometrium, curettage and biopsy...


조직병리결과 보고서 해석좀해주세요 ㅠㅠ

... <Piagnosis> Uterus, endometrium, curettage biopsy, Glandulo-stromal dissociation Stromal cr umbl ing , consistent with dysfunctional uterine bleeding 이렇게 되어있는데요.. Microscopic...


발달장애와 자폐는 유전인가요??

... and C reduced adverse impacts on rat endometrium from 900MHz EMR exposure ... Another well-documented effect of exposure to low- intensity ELF and RFR is...


초음파 진다 소견( 다낭성 난소 증후군)

... 소견이 The endometrium is heterogeneous and thickened, measuring 14mm. Vascular involvement is demonstrated within a space occupying lesion an indistinct lesion measuring approximately 26mm x 11mm. Both...


산부인과 진단서 해석을 좀.....

... Diagnosis> Endometrium, currettage; Endocervical glandular atypia, R/0 adenocarcinoma in situ Comment> 얻어진 조직의 대부분이 endocervix 또는 lower uterine segment의 tissue입니다....


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