virtuous Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지

과거분사 해석법에 대해 질문 드립니다

It leads to a virtuous circle of reciprocated jollity 저는 reciprocated jollity를 [교환된/보답된 기쁨] 이라고 해석했는데요 [주고받는 즐거움] 이라고 합니다 과거분사는 수동의 의미를...


문장 번역좀요~~!!![내공100]

... Are you very virtuous? Are you a persistent do-gooder? Are you somewhat reserved... Are you very virtuous? 당신은 덕이 있는가? Are you a persistent do-gooder?...


영어지문 주어,동사좀 찾아주세요

... being virtuous (that절) / people, they (주절), someone (if절) / People, they (주절), someone (if절) / to avoid both deficiency and excess / The best way...


해석좀 해주세요ㅠㅠㅠ진짜 급해요!!!

... a tragic hero in greek drama is defined as a great or virtuous chara cter in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat. the character must have a tragic...


한국어 영어로 번역해주세요!

... ★ emulate the virtuous actions of great and good men 훌륭한 사람들의 덕행을 본받다. ★ take care of …을 돌보다, 뒷바라지하다; …에 조심하다, 신경을...


간단한 영작 부탁드려요

... 남겨주셔서 감사합니다 덕분에 매번 힘이 납니다 = Thank you for leaving virtuous comments always. Thanks to those comments, it gives me strength to carry on every time.


영어 도와주세요

... It has been long governed by a potent, magnificent, and virtuous king. That prince had no children 어떤 섬에는 데리아바르라는 대도시가 있습니다....


빛과 관련된 영어

... This name translates to the air of self-love and virtuous women. 18. Hannelore (German origin) meaning "grace". 19. Helen/Helena (Greek origin); meaning...


영어해석좀 ㅜㅜㅜ 정말부탁입니다...

... the virtuous deeds of Priest Naong(1320~1376), a priest of the late Goryeo Period... Stele for Priest Muhak: This is a stele that records the virtuous deeds of priest Muhak...


was sought to by 에서 to가 왜 있어야...

She was sought to by divers suitors, both on account of her many virtuous qualities, and for her rich expectations was sought to by 에서 to가 왜 있어야 하는지...


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