survery Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지



... 보험사 직원 / 위탁업체 직원(Survery) - 보험사 소속 보상담당자로 고액의 연봉에 주 5일제라는 큰 메리트가 있습니다. 그러나 보험금 문제가 돈을 주고 안주고 하는 것으로...


논문초록 영작좀 도와주세요^^

... Futhermore, after having survery about students' opinion about lessons using movies, I could find that students think that it is more helpful in making interests and letting them know about...


개 디스템퍼병

... Survery on some important canine infectious disease of Korean Jindo dog. RDA J. A. S. 33(2) : 61~68. Yoon, K. B. et al. 1995. Seroepideminological survey on canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, canine...


캄보디아 광물자원 자료

... 다행히 "미국정부에서 연도별로 각국의 광물자원연감을 발행하고 있는 데, 2008년 8월에 작성된 2008 캄보디아 광물자원연감"을 US Geological Survery;USGS, www....


영어해석 부탁드려요!! 내공100

... considering the high unemployment rate nowadays, the survery results make a... considering the high unemployment rate nowadays, the survery results make a lot...



An annual survery of local businesses showed that corporations donate a significant... An annual survery of local businesses 지역 사업의 연간 조사는 / showed...


영어 질문

... the market survery (will be) useful when we select places to launch our new product... The market survery (will be) useful when we select places to launch our new product line....


[내공 100].... 도와주세요^^

... Does anything in the survery surpise you? 3. Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not? 4.... 2 survery란 단어는 없는데...잘못쓰신게 아닌지... 만약 이 단어가...



In a July survery, most respondents concurred that the use of mobile phones would have a... In a July survery, most respondents concurred that the use of mobile phones would have a...


(급함) 토익 영어 답좀요

Mr.Wilson, the marketing manager, has ______ a survery. (a) conducted (b) conducts (c)... Wilson, the marketing manager, has ______ a survery. (a) conducted (b) conducts...


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