scarcely Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지


Scarcely had Arthur Conan begin publishing Sherlock Holmes... 이때 scarcely는 거의 ~않다 가 아니라 ~하자마자... no sooner, scarcely, hardly는 모두 부정어구라 이것이...


영어 문법 ~하자마자 ~하다

... p ~than s v 라고 하거나 hardly-when 혹은 scarcely... 온다던지 scarcely 와 when이 와도 되는건가요? no... hardly나 scarcely는 before[when] 둘다 다...



Scarcely had we reached there when his began to snow. 이 문장에서 reach 다음에 장소로... 사전에도 자동사 쓰임으로는 도착한다는 의미가 없더라구요 Scarcely had we...


There is no person b

There is scarcely any person but doesn’t love his or her country 여기서 scarcely any가 왜 틀렸는지... There is scarcely any person but doesn’t love his or her...


문법질문 1개

Scarcely a day passed but i met her. 이문장에서 scarcely가 물론 부사이니깐 문두에... 측정부사?] : almost, nearly, hardly, scarcely 4) 빈도부사[frequency adverbs] : often, never...


도치 이렇게 하는거 맞나요?

I scarcely thought that we would~~ 문장을 Scarcely did I think that we would~~로... I scarcely thought that we would~~ 문장을 Scarcely did I think that we would~~로...


영어문법 문제입ㄴ다

... hardly/ scarcely ~ 과거완료 when 또는 before ~ 과거 no sooner ~ 과거완료 than... rain Scarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car * 참고로...


that의 역할

'You have changed so much that I scarcely recognized you.' 라는 문장에서 that의 품사와... I scarcely recognized you.' 라는 문장에서 that의 품사와 역할은 무엇인가요...

태그: 영어문법, 영어문법질문, that역할

Hardly ever 이렇게 쓸수있다

Hardly ever 이렇게 쓸수있다던데 Hardly의동의어인 Seldon barely scarcely... Hardly ever 이렇게 쓸수있다던데 Hardly의동의어인 Seldon barely scarcely rarely...


워싱턴 어빙 The voyage 해석 (번역기...

... Suddenly the watch gave the alarm of ‘a sail ahead!’—it was scarcely uttered... Suddenly the watch gave the alarm of ‘a sail ahead!’—it was scarcely...

태그: 영어해석, 손번역

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