promote Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지


... to promote their products. 3형식으로... to promote their products. 3형식으로... samples to future customers in order to promote their products.입니다

태그: 문제풀이

영어 잘하시는 분 도와주세요..////

... 따라서 to promote 가 맞을 듯 보여짐. 4. Some of our salespeople decided ..... a two-day marketing conference at the last minute. 일부 판매원들은 마지막 순간에...


이 문장에서 접속사 없는 이유가 뭔가요?

In order to promote awareness of social issues, we need to make... 근데 첫번째 In order to promote awareness of social issues... In order to promote awareness of social issues, we need to make...

태그: 영어문법, 영어

Not only A but also B

... to promote it more efficiently 에서 but also 뒤에 나온 to promote it 은 to가 빠져야 하는것 아니가요?not... to promote it more efficiently"으로 수정하는 것이...


영문법 수능특강

... further promote other income sources over time. 이... further promote other income sources over time.... further promote other income sources over time. 이 문장...

태그: 수특영어, 수능특강영어

영어 수동태 능동태 변환 궁금합니다

... Social media is being used to promote companies' products and raise brand... Companies use social media to promote their products and raise brand...



... Some situations are more likely to promote wisdom than others.' 1. 문장 성분들과... Some situations are more likely to promote wisdom than others.' 어떤 상황들은 다른...

태그: 영어, 영어공부, 영어질문, 영어문법, 영어성분, 영어품사, 해커스, 토익, 아이엘츠

영어 문법 질문..

Belongingness will like wise promote reproduction, such as by bringing potential... Belongingness will like wise promote reproduction, such as by bringing potential...


영어 문법

More resources need to be allocated to promote cultural tourism to the region, officials... to promote cultural tourism to the region. 위 문장과 같은 간접화법...


, and 가능?

Belongingness will likewise promote reproduction, such as by bringing potential mates... Belongingness will (likewise) promote reproduction, such as by bringing potential...


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