emperor Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지

영어 해석 [내공90]

In 69 A.D., Vespasian became the new Roman Emperor. He wanted... Unfortunately, Emperor Vespasian did not live long enough to see the Colosseum. However, his son, Emperor...


급해요!영어해석(번역기는 안돼여)내공100

... One day, the Emperor was reading a book about his... " The Emperor smiled - but the naxt page made him frown.... " snapped the Emperor. Bring it to sing in the palace...


@(8)정확한 번역 부탁드립니다. 내공...

"Not a word was said about the Emperor, because it would... the Emperor was not molested. If the US leadership... the Emperor to remain in place -- the Japanese very...


영어 글 문법이나 번역 잘 됐는지 봐주세요

... In 1919 January 21st, Emperor Gojong was died. The cause of death of emperor revealed, but she... On January 21, 1919, Emperor Gojong died. The cause of...

태그: 영어번역

論이라는 단어를 영어로 어떻게...

... 역사적 문맥에서 존황론은 주로 "Imperial Reverence" 또는 "Revere the Emperor"로 번역되며, 양이론은 "Expulsion of Foreigners" 또는 "Anti-Foreignism"으로 번역됩니다. 그러나 이...


중2영어 The magic paintbrush...

... Soon, the greedy emperor heard about Ma Liang and his magic paintbrush. “Bring Ma Liang to me,” said the emperor to his soldiers. The emperor’s soldiers brought Ma...


영어지문에서 어색한 부분 4군데 찾기

... The emperor ordered all arrows to make to the same length with identical tips. If an... The emperor ordered all arrows to make to the same length with identical tips. If an...


영어 독해좀 부탁해요 가능한 빨리

... " "It's about Emperor penguins and icebergs. All Emperor penguins live in the... " “빌 와서 이 영화봐.” "It's about Emperor penguins and icebergs. All...


영어 해석 좀 부탁드려요~

... Henry VIII of England , the Emperor Maximilian , and... He was joined by the emperor with a good corps of horse and some foot, the emperor as a mercenary to the king...


<내공드림> 10줄자리 해석...

... " Before the emperor could reply, she added, "But don... " Astonished by the unexpected switch, the emperor... " The emperor thought about what his daughter said, and...


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