discard Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지

영문 해석~!! 급해요!! 내공 만땅!!

... If there is a breathrough, discard the sample - humidity - air flow rate... 4.If there is a breathrough, discard the sample - humidity - air flow rate...


영어 번역좀 해주세요

... Please keep, discard, or donate the syrup you received in error since we did not... Please keep, discard, or donate the syrup you received in error since we did not...


(급급!) 간단한 답멜 한글로...

... keep, discard, or re-appropriate the item as you see fit. I've gone ahead and... keep, discard, or re-appropriate the item as you see fit. 보통은 반품을...



... If you do NOT wish to become a member, simply discard this this message and no... If you do NOT wish to become a member, simply discard this this message and no...


영어 문장 해석좀 도와주세요 부탁드려요

... to reach a verdict, jurors must discard all doubt. it aims to preserve the human... to reach a verdict, jurors must discard all doubt. 평결에 도달하기위해서...


여기 있는 단어를 알파벳 순으로 정렬...

... transmit discard copper orbit famine pill immune raw superior string cope loan obedient procedure bond angle subtle depict radical caution persist...


영어 첨삭 좀 해주세요.

... we discard leftover medicine separately. There are plenty of reasons why we should discard medicine properly First, if you don't discard medicine separately, the...

태그: 영어문법, 영어, 영어첨삭, 영어첨삭도와주세요, 영어첨삭부탁드려요, 영어첨삭해주세요

영어 , 한글로 번역좀 부탁드림.(내공 15)

I Can discard that which is unfitting and keep that which proved fitting, and invent... I Can discard that which is unfitting and keep that which proved fitting, and invent...


조리용어 번역부탁 드립니다. 급

... Discard cinnamon stick before serving. yield Makes about 3 cups약 3컵을... 차갑게 유지시켜라 Discard cinnamon stick before serving. 계피 스틱을...


영어 문제 답좀 알려주세요 ㅠㅠ 급해요...

... dispose of = make(do) away with, eliminate, discard ※ Structure in Use 1.... dispose of = make(do) away with, eliminate, discard ※ Structure in Use 1....


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