comb Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지

영문 번역이요~~ㅠㅠ급해요~~부탁합니다!!!!

... "Good morning, Red-Comb," said the donkey, "your crow... Cock-a-doodle-do-o-o-o!" "Come along, Red-Comb, come... "Good morning, Red-Comb," said the donkey, "your crow...


양산 신도시 부근, 부산 북구, 부산 서면...

... 아는 영어단어가 300-500개정도밖에 안됩니다.(comb, pen 이딴거 다 합해서) 현재 서면에서 회화학원을 다니고 있는데 문법, 단어에 대해선 거의 보지 않고 무작정 얘기만 해서...



... So every day she used to comb his hair and pull out... Every day used to comb his hair and pull as many of the... So every day she used to comb his hair and pull out the...


몇가지 문장만좀 해석 부탁드릴게요...

... Do you carry your hairbrush or comb with you? 2. Would... Do you carry your hairbrush or comb with you? 빗을... 빗이고 comb은 그냥 호텔 욕실에 놓여있는...


Chinua Achebe "A MOTHER IN A REFUGEE...

... She took from their bundle of possessions A broken comb and combed The rust-colored... broken comb and combed 부러진 빗 한 개를 꺼내 빗질했어요 The rust...


영어 과거형과 뜻점요(100)

... comb 24. drive 25. listen to music 26. give 27. draw 28. jump 29. cook 30. are 31.... comb-combed-빗었다(머리를( 24. drive-drove-운전햇다 25. listen to music...


그 사람의 특징을 영어로 표현할때...

예를들어 He has a comb over, neat beard and blue eyes. Also, He is wearing pants... He has a comb over, neat beard and blue eyes. Also, wearing pants, green hat and crew...


해석 해주세요!!!!ㅠㅠ

... The comb shell has points, too. It's points are straight and close tohether, just like those in a comb.... The comb shell has points, too. 빗 조개가 너무 , 점들을...


이 동사들의과거형좀 알려주세요~~

get take brush floss shave wash put comb make go sleep cook eat clean sweep dust vacuum... put comb - combed - combed ** make - made - made ** go - went - gone ** sleep - slept...


영어 문제인대 문제의 답이 왜 이답인지...

... 정답 : ( B ) [A] comb [B] combed [C] to comb [D] combing [5] I can't come to... 정답 : ( B )현재완료니까 p.p [A] comb [B] combed [C] to comb [D] combing...


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