as as possible Qna 관련 답변 12 페이지

as as 용법as as

experience as possible 질문이요

as far away from the student experience as possible 가능한 학생들의 경험에서 멀리, 라는 뜻으로 해석되나요? as far away from the student experience as possible as far as...


as 형용사(부사) as possible 관해서

When food is photograhed for an advertisement, a food stylist carefully arranges the ingredients so that they look as [well/good] as possible. 이라는 문장에서...

태그: 영어독해, 영어문법

as much as possible

as much as possible과 의미가 같도록 빈칸을 채우라는 문제인데요. as much as possible -> as much as ㅡ ㅡ 위처럼 두 칸 비거든요 이 두 칸 안에 어떤 두 단어가...


as ~ as possible 어순

while making as few changes as possible to the paradigm while making as few changes to the paradigm as possible 두 문장 다 문법적으로 옳은 표현인가요?...

태그: 영어, 고등학교영어, 영어문법, 영어어순, 문법

and treated as early as possible in ord

it is essential that cancer be diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure. treated 앞에도 be 있어야 하는 거 아닌가요? 만약...


as possible 해석좀

the groups that see themselves as possible losers resist. 여기에서 as possible은 어떻게 해석해야되나요? the groups (that see themselves as possible losers) resist....


being as undisturbed as possible .

능률교육 고교교과서의 getting a good night's sleep requires being as undisturbed as possible. 이문장에서 require want need등은 to부정사를목적어로 취하지만...


as soon as

I'll let you know as soon as possible 앞에 as의 품사와 뒤 as의 품사는 다른건가요? 각각의 품사가 뭔지 좀 알려주세요.. as soon as 비공개 조회수 6 작성일11분 전 I...


as soon as possible

I want to meet him as soon as possible이문장이서 as soon as possible이 접속사로 쓰인건가요? I want to meet him as soon as possible. 이 문장에서 as soon as...


as soon as possible 질문

... as soon as it is possible(부사절의 시간절) ⇒ as soon as it being possible(접속사를 수반한 독립분사구문) * 위의 possible은 형용사입니다.


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