worng Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지


영어 장문 해석 부탁해요;

... A lot of popular Ideas (like, "the earth is flat") turned out to be worng, and a lot of uncomfortable ideas (like quantum mechanics, evolution and plate tectonics) turned...


이 노래 제목과 가수좀 알려주세요~~!

... ㅠ Might be a fool think that you so want to see me again~ nothing worng just nothing ________ many time are tought I call ______ in my hands I know it's...


영어해석좀 부탁드릴께요~

... (3) You don't want to get to your destination only to find you have the worng visa, or... (3) 너의 여권이 대략 만료된것을 이다 고,worng비자가, 또는 더 나쁜...


대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?

A- Is there anything worng? B- yes this is too heavy for me to carry. --------------------------- A- i'm sorry but i can't 1.Do you mind giving me a hand? 2. Do you mind moving a bit to the...


and if function

IF(AND(C2>85,C2<100,"A"),IF(AND(C2>75,C2<85,"B"),IF(AND(C2>65,C2<75,"C"),IF(AND(C2>55,C2<65,"D"),IF(AND(C2>0,C2<55,"F")))) Please tell me what is worng in...


영작 부탁드리겠습니다.

... Sorry for the worng reply and reply below is for PO no.2 2. 요청하신 주문서 처음 받습니다. 이대로 접수하여 진행하겠습니다. Requested order sheet is new one and we...


음악 추천해주세요~~

... - worng nomber linkin park -faint sg워너비 - 라라라 주얼리 -꿈을향해 -puzzle -모두다 쉿 이효리 -유고걸 장나라 -나도여라자랍니다. 씨야 -hot girl -사랑의 인사 바나나걸 -초콜릿...


간단한 문장 해석점!

something worng with my skin. worng이라는 단어는 없습니다. wrong 일겁니다. 그리고 해석하면 : 내 피부에 뭔가 문제가 있는 것 같아.



... The package was ( deliver) the the worng place two weeks ago. The national Museum of natural History was ( build ) in 1971. The sales department will ( hold ) a...



... Wtever onton of exot or unne tngs seep turns out to e for reserers t tey st on't now te e ount of t neee to eep our oes n rns n goo worng orer. "Tere's...


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