well Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지

Be well my life < 이거 맞는 문법인가요?

... Be well my life < 이거 맞는 문법인가요? 혹은 Be my life well < 이것도 문제없는 문법일까요? 저기서 be동사를 생략하고 well my life 로 해도 의미가 상통하는...

태그: 문법, 영어, 영문법, 해석

your well pretty

your well pretty 해석하면 너는 더 나아질거야 라는 뜻일까요? your well pretty는 너는 정말 예쁘다라는 뜻입니다.


A as well as B 병치

... as well as for the decimation of would be European... A as well as B에서 A와 B형태를 똑같게 엄격하게... as well as 이후 문장애서 similar questions arise 가...


as well as 수일치... 어떻게 하나요.?..?

... as well as humans, consume them. 여기서 마지막... as well as humans, consume them. 여기서 마지막... of animals, as well as humans이기때문에 복수취급합니다.

태그: 영어문법, 수일치, 영어수일치, 영어독해, aswellas

"I am not feeling (good/well)...

I am not feeling (good/well). 여기서 well이 맞다고 하는데 good은 왜 안되나요? (well이 왜 맞는 지도 모르겠네요.) "I am not feeling (good/well)", well이 맞음? I...


Korea is well repres

Korea is well represented by Hanok Korea is represented by Hanok 어감 차이 Korea is well represented by 한옥. 이 문장은 '한옥은 한국을 잘 대표한다.' 즉 한국을...


as well as 는 접속사로도 쓰이나요?

He specializes in functional products that are inexpensive as well as beautifully crafted. 위와 같은 문장이 있는데 여기서 as well as의 뒤 as는 부사절 접속사로 쓰였고, as well as...


as well as/ as good as

... He is as well as you. 둘중 맞는 것은요? He is as good as you.(O) He is as well as you. =>well은 부사 이기 때문에 , 보어로 쓰일수 없읍니다 둘중 맞는...


may well 동사 원형은 어느때 사용하나요?

may well 동사 원형은 어느때 사용하나요? may well do : ~ 하는 것도 당연하다 You may well think so. :당신이 그렇게 생각 하는 것도 당연하다 may well be...


may as well

You may as well not know something at all as know it but imperfectly. 해석 부탁드립니다. may as well (A)... as well not know something at all as know it but...


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