premature Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지

★제발 영어 해석좀 해주세요 ★

... from premature death. The popular moralists also have their knife into the worker.... from premature death. 그것이 다수의 일반적인 질병들에대한 책임이...


문법적으로 풀어주세요~

... to premature wear . 해석말고 문법적으로 풀어주세요~ The rubber used... subjectto premature wear . 주어 주어를 꾸며주는 형용사구 (타이어를...


자동차에 관심있는 분의 번역을...

... prevent premature rust. Vacuuming the inside also prevents premature carpet wear from sand and grit. •Buy... prevent premature rust. Vacuuming the inside also...


수술기록지 해석이요^^;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... presentation premature labor I.U.P at 30 wks with labor postoperative diagnosis... 이상태위) premature labor 조기 진통 I.U.P at 30 wks with labor 30주에...


이 문장 해석좀 부탁드리겠습니다. 내공...

... and premature ageing. However, cloning opponents believe that any change in the... and premature ageing. 또한 성인 복제물의 장기적인 건강건에...


이거 번역좀 내공드림 번역기No.

... a premature baby and they thought I was going to die because I was so small x_x. I'm... a premature baby and they thought I was going to die because I was so small x_x....


영어신문 해석 좀 해주세요

... ''It is premature to build it tomorrow, and it's premature to say no,'' said Seth... ''It is premature to build it tomorrow, and it's premature to say no,'' said Seth...


영문기사글 번역좀요.

... is premature to reprimand top military officials over the incident, according to... is premature to reprimand top military officials over the incident, according to...


[내공100] 영어해석좀 부탁 드립니다.

... *Immature infant(Premature infant) - a live-born... as "premature" may be considered as the equivalent of... *Immature infant(Premature infant) - a live-born infant...


영어 번역해 주세요.(내공 많음)

... or premature infant, sudden infant death syndrome, learning and behavior problems... or premature infant, sudden infant death syndrome, learning and behavior...


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