hierarchical Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지

내공 1,000점 드립니다 영작 좀

... on hierarchical music such as pansori, which was... Based on hierarchical music such as pansori, which... on hierarchical music such as pansori, which was played...

태그: 영작부탁드려요, 영작도와주세요, 영작고수님들영작좀

번역 부탁이요 제에발

... Informal relationships can be between people at the same hierarchical level or... Informal relationships can be between people at the same hierarchical level or between...


영어 첨삭 부탁드립니다

... Here is the corrected sentence: "There has been an article in a newspaper that shows how dangerous hierarchical conversation and decision-making among...


영어해석좀 해주세요. 급한거라. 혼자...

... after discussing the market mapping approaches, we suggested that hierarchical... after discussing the market mapping approaches, we suggested that hierarchical...


번역 고쳐주세요 번역하려는데 번역기가...

Malay Annals provides a well-defined hierarchical structure of Singapura, which was later partly adopted by its successor, Melaka. The highest hierarchical position was the Raja (king) as an...


영어번역질문이요 내공드림팍팍

... less hierarchical with a greater focus on individual creativity. He is also... less hierarchical with a greater focus on individual creativity. 그들의 문화는...


고수님들 영어 초청장 해석...

... The highly complex hierarchical structures of typical heterogeneous catalysts... The highly complex hierarchical structures of typical heterogeneous catalysts have...


★영어해석좀 부탁드려요.(짧은문장...

... and hierarchical form adopted in designing curricula, that what matters is to... and hierarchical form adopted in designing curricula, that what matters is to pass...


is japan a high context culture...

... rigid hierarchical structure than Taiwanese society. In Japan, one's... harmony, hierarchical social structure, tradition, and religious influences. It...


해석좀 부탁드립니다...너무 어렵네여...

... [23] In a hierarchical star network, the central computer forms the hub of the... [23] In a hierarchical star network, the central computer forms the hub of the...


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