considerately Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지


토익문제에서 동사뒤에 부사,명사...

... 답이 consideration 인데 왜 동사를 꾸며주는 부사인 considerately 는 답이되지않는건가요?? 제가 뭔가 착각을하는것같은데 좀...


토익 문제 질문

... (considerately/vastly/steadily/reprovingly) 정답: vastly 정치인들은 ____ 과소평가하고 있다 얼마나 불행한지를 시민들이/ 그들이 세금 인상을 6개월 동안 2번...



... considerate c.considerately d.considering Ms.Jefferson is the most ______ qualified employee in the marketing department a.high b.higher c.highest d.highly...


영어회화 문제 질문

... B: “oh, it is far from here.” ① considerately ② considerable ③ considerably ④ considering 7 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 대화를 고르시오. A...


'그들은 노인들을 우대한다. ' 영작이요.

'그들은 노인들을 우대한다. ' 영작이요. they treat the elderly considerately


짦은 성적 이의 신청 영작 부탁드립니다...

... Additional Reports are fine with me, so kindly understand my situation and i would be very thankful if you can considerately give me a grade of a D- Kindly yours...


간단한 영어 번역 부탁 드려요 넘 급해요!

... I obey to the person well. 2. 사려 깊게 생각한다 I think considerately. 3. 자기 자신을 반성한다. I reflect on myself. 4. 여러가지 경험을 쌓는다. I build various experiences.


영작한건 부탁드립니다

... the understanding you have shown me when my daughter was sick. I am not a cheap person. I will also act considerately like you. 힘내세요 님. 그리고 행복한 성탄절이 되길. ^^


영어질문 ! 호텔에 두고온물건때문에...

... I left my luggage in the room i'd stayed, and your hotel considerately promised to keep it for 3 months for me. Thank you again, and i happened to visit there on 1st weekend of October. So...

태그: 영어번역, 영어해석

영어번역이요 ~~ 급합니다 ㅜㅜ

... I suggest to use recycled products not disposable products Third thing is to make dictions considerately Think again before you purchage products Because everything will be a trash...


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