composed of Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지

composedconsist ofcompose

영어 질문입니다..

... ② If you find that your life is composed of a collection of similar activities and routines, don’t despair; this is typical, not unusual. 이문장이 해석이...


Their victims are of all types and...

... 우리가 consist of, be composed of 등등의 어구에서 알 수 있듯이 이 of라는 전치사가 "구성"의 의미를 가지고 있기 때문에, 이 어구들에 of가 들어가 있는 것입니다....


영어 문법 단어 compose

... Congress is mainly composed of rich white men. 영어 문법 단어 compose 안녕하세요 영한사전에 compose란 단어는 수동태로 쓰일수없다는 글을 봤는데요 그럼...


hundreds of Athenians 구조에 의문

In Greece, advocates for policy changes would routinely make their cases before citizen juries composed of hundreds of Athenians. 밑줄 부분에서 of Athenians가 hundreds를...


콤마 뒤에 오는 과거동사

... one of~works, [Pictures at an Exhibition], was composed of~ works추가설명 동사 1. 주어 동사를 찾아야 합니다 2. 콤마 앞에 주어 동사가 있으면, 콤마다음 ed동사는...


DNA 살아있는 것인지 아닌지

... 2.DNA is a molecule: Structurally, DNA is a complex molecule composed of nucleotides (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine). Molecules, no matter how...

태그: 과학, 과학탐구, 과학문제, 바이올로지, biology


26.1hts Pansori is composed of a person who sings and a person who plays the drum and insert chuimsae. --- 1 이것은 관계사절인가요? 2 관계사절이 무엇을...


A dialogue of the deaf 를 뭐라고...

A dialogue of the deaf occurs between these 4 characters, composed uniquely of citations mostly borrowed from influential texts on contemporary art and punctuated with scenes...


영어질문 내공100It was composed

... Martin was involved in helping the president of the school , John A. Davis , prepare a song book . 이문장을 It was composed ( while the Martins were spending...


consists of 와 같은 숙어는?

... 오타)은 ~에 있다,존재한다 is based on~은 ~에 기초하여,~를 바탕으로 하여. consists of 와 비슷한 다른 표현으로는 be composed of~가 있습니다.


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