acquaintance Qna 관련 답변 11 페이지


... an acquaintance who was a forensic surgeon with intimate knowledge of hundreds... an acquaintance who was a forensic surgeon with intimate knowledge of hundreds...


워드 마스터 수능2000

... 투표 division 나누기 acquaintance 교제 boil 끓다 contradict 반박하다 burst 폭발 cast 발하다 falsify 잘못을 입증하다 psychic 초능력이 있는 paddle 노


토익 문제 풀어주세요 내용 100...

... (A) relevance (B) acquaintance (C) mixture (D) connection 해석☛ 풀이☛ 6.... (A) relevance (B) acquaintance (C) mixture (D) connection 해석☛행정 보좌관은...

태그: 토익, 토익문법, 토익공부방법, 토익공부, 토익문제, 화정영어학원, 화정동영어학원, 행신동영어, 행신동영어학원, 화정동국어학원

해석좀요 ㅜㅜ 진짜 짧음!!

be acquaintance with <<<<<해석 문장이 틀린것 같네요.. acquaintance는 가산 명사라서 관사나 정관사가 들어가야 합니다. 즉 be an acquaintance with 이렇게요^^ acquaint의 동사의...



... The thought on acquaintance on the Internet has appeared... My girlfriend has told, that now acquaintance on the... For me it is the first experience of acquaintance in the...


영어 해석좀 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ 내공...

... mutual acquaintance Jim. Although the incident actually happened to John-From whom... mutual acquaintance Jim. 예를 들어 당신이 어떤 친구와 이야기를...


다음 시구 멋들어지게 번역 좀...

... an acquaintance, or a stranger. A good plan today is better than a perfect plan... an acquaintance, or a stranger. 솔찍한 비판은 받아들이기 어렵다. 특히나...



단어 글자가 긴데 줄여서 표기하려면 어떻게 쓰나요 acquaintance란 단어의 글자가 길다고 줄여 약자 표기한 경우를 보질 못했습니다. 그냥 우리 말로 "지인(知人)"으로...


He is much respected

He is much respected by those who have acquaintance with him. 어느 부분이... He is much respected by those who have acquaintance with him. -> He is much...

태그: 영어문법

제가 영어로 작문 했는데, 틀린 곳은...

... the wife talked to boss " it's special food!" on acquaintance, dead cockroach was plan... the wife talked to boss " it's special food!" on acquaintance, dead cockroach was plan...


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