thrilled Qna 관련 답변 10 페이지

다음 문법 설명좀 해주세요...고수만..

... am thrilled that radio stations still play their music. Having always liked the Beatles, I am thrilled that some... am thrilled that radio stations still play their music....


So 콤마 질문이요!

... be thrilled. Secondly, 괄호가 첨삭 선생님이 바꾼건데요 저는 지금까지 so... be thrilled. Secondly, 괄호가 첨삭 선생님이 바꾼건데요 저는 지금까지 so 앞에...


영어 정확한 해석 부탁

We are thrilled to welcome you to the Grand Opening of the Raleigh store on March 15, 2018... We are thrilled to welcome you to the Grand Opening of the Raleigh store on March 15...

태그: 다시만드는지식시즌2

영어 문법 질문

... people thrilled 과 my universal truth is that a movie... thrilled와 thrilling 중 뭘 써야 하는 건가요?... 과거분사가 맞습니다 따라서 둘 다 thrilled



... and thrilled by gladiatorial contests in which criminals sentenced to death were... romans were both awed and thrilled by gladiatorial contests in which criminals...


영어 해석

bradly and i were thrilled to learn that you're holding... Bradly and I were thrilled to learn that you're... 주어 : Bradly and I 동사 : were 보어 : thrilled 꼭...


영어문법 질문

... He looks thrilled about the plan. We kept quiet until he... looks thrilled about the plan. He :주어 looks : 동사 thrilled : 형용사적으로 쓰인 과거분사로...


영어 문장 구조 분석 부탁드립니다.

... field thrilled with the prospect of scoring a goal- the first in his entire life. 여기에서 thrilled가 어떻게... was) thrilled with the prospect of scoring a goal- the...


간접의문문? 감탄문?

I was amazinghow thrilled this little bird was to play and spend time with people.... how thrilled this little bird was -> how 의문사 -> thrilled 형용사 (의문사 바로 뒤로...


영어문법 도와주세요

1) My youngest child was thrilled when her turn came to enter kinder-garten.... ^^ 1) My youngest child was thrilled when her turn came to enter kinder-garten. 문장해석이랑...


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